Zoom Demo: Researching Family History Cheaply

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Date(s) - 09/05/2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Looking to save and still successfully research your family history?

On Tuesday 9 May member, Joe Smith is presenting a Zoom demo called  “Researching Family History Cheaply”.  The Zoom Demo is from 10.00 am to noon. Use the normal login details available in newsletters and emails.

Joe migrated to Australia from England and has been researching his family for 3 years. He has presented talks to U3A about researching your family and while some research can be costly there are lots of ways to research for free or with little cost. Joe will share these suggestions with us in this talk Researching Family History Cheaply.

The closing date for booking is Thursday 4 May 2023.

Booking instructions

Register with Roz using the booking form below or email Roz at vicepresident@caloundrafamilyhistory.org.au by COB Thursday 4 May 2023, if you wish to attend.

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Bookings are closed for this event.

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