Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Competition 2024

Writers’ Competition Open to all CFHRI Members

Lorrie BarzdoIt’s that time of year to start writing for the Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Competition if you haven’t done so already. In 2024 LBWA Coordinator is Marg Lenz.

This is our annual competition held in honour of Lorrie, a former member, who contributed a great deal to our society and left a bequest to encourage us to write our families’ stories.

There are two categories in the award.  The Advanced Category is for members who have entered this award in past years.  The Novice Category is for members who have not entered this award before.  However, if you feel you would like to enter the Advanced Category, include this when you are emailing Marg your story.

Please ensure your entry is sent to Marg, by midnight on Thursday 18 July to allow the judges time to complete their task before the AGM.  Marg will acknowledge receipt of every entry.

Two attachments tell you about this competition.  One is the 2024 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Competition Information Sheet and the other is Lorrrie Barzdo Writers' Competition Judges Tips . Both are available to members only. If you want to join Caloundra Family History to participate in this competition and attend our many training and other events check out the Join Us page.

The judges look forward to reading interesting stories over the next seven weeks.  Remember, you can send as many entries as you wish – the more stories you enter the better the competition will be!

Marg’s email address, for entries, can be found in the Membership List. If you are having problems logging into the members-only area find out how to log in or renew your password in the CFH Website User Guide in the Knowledge Base Section.