Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award: Writing Family History

Writing Family History

Sharing your stories through writing family history

Lorrie Barzdo, a past member of Caloundra Family History Research Inc, was passionate about sharing stories through writing family history.

Lorrie’s Legacy

Lorrie Barzdo promoted writing family history stories.Lorrie wrote:  “There are many reasons why I would urge all members to write a short story, in fact, write many stories, to illustrate how or where you obtained information, or to highlight one person or one family line in your tree. Recording your data correctly and in an interesting manner gives future generations of your family a path to follow and I have always promoted writing more than just the bare details of your research.”

In 2010 Lorrie donated money to provide a cash prize of $100 for each of the next ten years. At CFHRI Lorrie will always be remembered.

The winning entry is published in the Caloundra Clipper each year along with the other entries in the Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award. Members can read these stories in their Clippers or online in the members-only area at the Caloundra Clipper.

In recent years Susan Brownjohn has coordinated the running of the award.

CFHRI members should refer to their newsletters for notifications when the next writing competition commences.

Previous Winners

2023 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winners


2022 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winners


2021 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winners

Sue Brownjohn introduced the Judges Paul Carty, Kay  Middlemiss and Margaret Lenz. Paul spoke briefly on behalf of the judges. There were eight award entries received and the array of topics was wide and interesting. He congratulated all the people who entered the competition.

With the presentation being held over Zoom then Sue made the presentation to the winners. The winner of the “Experienced Award” went to Sue Rae who wrote “Grandad Boyd”. The winner of the Novice Award went to Trisha Hyde with her story “Frederick Andersen’s War”. The Certificates were presented to the camera.

2020 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winners

2020 Judges were Margaret Lenz, Ian Edwardson and Geoff Kelly. A thanks go out to our judges for fine-tuning the judging criteria for the future.

The winner of the advanced section was Kay Middlemiss with her story: Pure “Velvet” – Gentle On The Hands!

In 2018 a Novice Section began to encourage members who had not previously entered a story in the LBWA.
This year’s Judges decided that these two stories entered in the Novice Section were of a high standard and they could not be separated so the price will be shared between the 2 novice section winners. These were Sue Rae’s story: Polesden Lacey Connection and Christine Howard’s story: A Mother’s Day Gift.

The coordinator, Sue Brownjohn virtually presented the certificates as Covid forced the presentation to be on Zoom. Prizes will be distributed to the winner when permitted.

And don’t forget that you can read all the stories entered and those from previous years in the Clipper.

2019 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winners

The 2019 Award was coordinated by Sue Brownjohn. Judges were Margaret Lenz, Loris Gray and Cathy Meyer. In 2019 a new section, novice, was introduced. Geoff Kelly won the Advanced section and Judy Matulick won the Novice section.

Lorrie Barzdo Winner Geoff Kelly with the judges

Loris Gray, Geoff Kelly (advanced section winner), Marg Lenz, Judy Matulick (Novice section winner) and Cathy Meyer. Others are the 2019 judges.

Advanced section: Geoff Kelly, “Fishing”

Lorrie Barzdo Winner Geoff Kelly with the coordinator Sue Brownjohn

(L to R) Sue BrownJohn, Geoff Kelly, Advanced section winner

Novice Section: Judy Matulick, “The Three Cosgrove Sisters

Lorrie Barzdo Winner Judy Matulick with the coordinator Sue Brownjohn

The coordinator Sue Brownjohn with Novice section winner, Judy Matulick.

2018 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winner: Loris Gray

(L-R) Liz Owen, Ian Edwardson, Loris Gray (Winner) & Bev Smith

2017 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winner: Roz Kuss

” I found Helen in the large basement library of the Aberdeen & North-East Scotland Family History Society on Friday 19th May 2017″. Follow Roz’s adventures in Scotland, cemetery hopping during the day and with super sleuth, Susan Brownjohn cyberstalking Helen on Google at night. Roz’s story holds lessons for all of us doing family history research out in the field and locating live relatives.

2017 LBWA Winner Roz Kuzz

Judges Kay Middlemiss, Pauleen Cass & Margaret Lenz with winner Roz Kuss.

2016 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winner:  Kay Middlemiss

With her story “WILLIAM JAMES GUY 1896-1917” Kay Middlemiss won the 2016 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award being selected as the winner by the 2016 judges including former LBWA winners, Peter Hovey, Bev Smith and Margaret Lenz.

Shirley Leggett impressed the judges also with her story. She received a Highly Commended for “How I connected with my mother’s cousin after more than 40 years”.

Margaret Lenz, Kay Middlemiss and Shirley Leggett

Margaret Lenz, Kay Middlemiss and Shirley Leggett

2015 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winner: Peter Hovey

The winner of the fifth annual award was Peter Hovey with his story “The Interview with Carl and Catharina Howe”. It is wonderful that Lorrie’s memory is being kept alive in this way. I’m looking forward to seeing who this year’s winner will be.

2014 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winner: Bev Smith

“The Inheritance” by Bev Smith Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winner, The Inheritance is a topic we can all appreciate however it is the difference in the story’s events that mean we all have a different story to share.

2013 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winner: Roz Kuzz

Showing that writing for the Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award is a great way to recognise ancestors and share memories that the younger generations can enjoy was winner Roz Kuzz and her piece “Memories of my Pop”.

2012 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winner: Sue Schott

In 2012 Sue Schott was the winner with writings about her Great Grandmother – Jane Charlotte James.

2011 Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award winner: Geoff Kelly

The first annual award winner of the Lorrie Barzdo Writers’ Award was Geoff Kelly with his piece “The Elusive William Kelly”.