Safety Message from President, Roz Kuss.Use your initiative about going to rooms, if you don’t feel save driving then don’t go there. |
Future Events
For more future events, as they are added, check out our 2025 Events Page summary.
Interest Group Meetings
Discover more ways to enhance your research by investigating the upcoming Interest Group meetings.
Hybrid: In-Person & Zoom Meetings
While we would love you to attend meetings in the rooms, you can Zoom in for most meetings. If you need help with Zoom contact the group convenor or Fran. We can organise one-on-one training for members who want help with their Zoom experience.
Blog Post & News Updates
Caloundra History: Spot the difference between then and now?
The Bulcock Street Heritage Walk will be held on 21 May 2022, next Saturday, weather permitting. This is an opportunity...
Book Review: The Book of Doors
June Blackburn, the current president, has read and reviewed another of the books at our library. These short book...
RootsTech 2022 Conference Update
Caloundra Family History was proud to have member Shauna Hicks as an official RootsTech Influencer and Speaker for two...