Renew your CFHRI membership

Update: The renewal page is now closed as 2022-2023 renewals are now closed. Still, feel free to check further down this page for plenty of the events we have held over recent years even with Covid interrupting our normal in-person meetings. It is time to renew your membership.  Details on how to do this can Read More …

Members Beginner’s Course Booking Survey

Booking for Members Beginner’s Course Survey Closed Caloundra Family History Research Inc is offering a Beginner’s Course for members during  June and July.  There are two sessions which will be offered twice.  If you are interested in attending you only need to attend one of Session 1 and one of Session 2. If you do Read More …

Caloundra History: Spot the difference between then and now?

The Bulcock Street Heritage Walk will be held on 21 May 2022, next Saturday, weather permitting. This is an opportunity to find out about the history of the Bulcock Street area. More details about the Bulcock Street Heritage Walk on 21 May. These heritage walks are supported by the Sunshine Coast Council. How much has Read More …

Book Review: The Book of Doors

June Blackburn, the current president, has read and reviewed another of the books at our library. These short book reviews help members discover books and other resources in our library. Library resources are available for members to take home to read or reference in the rooms. The Book of Doors by Anne Richards If you Read More …